Blooming Season

Hybrid rose
Hybrid Hibiscus
Primrose Jasmine

The blooming season is actually getting over here in my part of the world . But for a short period when it stayed it showed me these colours. Here are the snapshots of all Good memories….

The Nature’s Portal

You are distressed,
You are Anxious,
Do you know why?
‘cause you are Lost !

You are Lost in a Jungle,
An artificial world,
Built by you, standing on lies.
A concrete world i.e. unreal!

There’s a Portal out there,
Portal to Peace and tranquillity.

Wander through and embrace,
The strength and power,
The Sunshine and rain,
The life in the Lap of mother Nature….

©2023 Piyush Singh

The Valley at Night

There’s something about darkness,
Which makes you adore the light more.
There’s something within us ,
Which guides us to our soul !

What is it that keeps your fire alive,
In spite of losing your shore ?
Maybe the churning darkness within,
That makes you adore the light more !

©2022 Piyush Singh

The picture above is of Manali valley, shimmering under the clear night sky. I surprised myself by capturing this stunning photo with my smartphone.

Darkness truly have it’s worth…..

The Mountains Calling

Stuck in a hazy nightmare,
Lost in an urban illusion,
Craving to get my breath,
Back from the land above !

A faint whisper wakes me,
From an urban slumber.
Holds my face and echoes
“Come to me in the land of Gods

O powerless soul! wake up,
Free yourself from this muddle,
The mess that pollutes ,
Is created by you !

O powerless soul! Come
To me and see my greatness,
How wrong you are
How minute you are !

The life which you live
Is full of greed , is so futile !
Climb, sweat and feel the pain.
Come, breathe, see the light with me !

©2020 Piyush Singh

A Small Spark

A tiny glow in the dark,
Shivering with the cold wind.
Tormented, scared to surrender !

A struggling ray in the dark
Dented and stabbed to limp
Trembles by holding his heart !

A tiny will in the dark,
Waging a war with his broken sword
Tries to vanish an army of dark!

A fading spark in the dark
Ignites the hopes in the grave,
Before it sleeps in glorious past !

©2020 Piyush Singh

All the Light…

All the light we see , all the light we want to see has been gifted to us by our precious yellow star . And yet we choose to waste this gift for our selfish reasons. We are choking this very rare, life inducing planet, to death.

It is good to search for other planets but for that we need time and the rate at which we are exploiting our planet we are only reducing our time.

The biggest flaw of humankind is his hypocrisy. He knows that he is doing wrong but still he chooses to ignore for his comfort. He can predict his future and yet he compromises with his present.

How long we can go with this, we have to do something , time is running out. The act of each and every individual will determine our time in the future, each and every second will count.

The light we are gifted with can only fade away the way we want it to be !