Mother’s Day

Some people don’t believe in God and always question him. Most of us define God as the one who has created this universe , the one who has created us and try to find him. But we never realise our creator is around us, the one who make sure that we always smile, the one who sacrifice so much for us to make sure our lives become a perfect one. She is the one who has created us , our mothers.
My mother sacrificed her life for me, for her family. But still I see her in my dreams, alive and always inspiring me to move ahead in life by overcoming all the difficulties. I know she is watching me from heaven and guiding me in the right direction through one or the other way.
You can’t deny the fact that Mothers are epitome of sacrifice. Sometimes A son can go wrong but a mother is never wrong!
Hats off to all the mothers of the world. Make her feel special every day so that you don’t regret later!

Happy Mother’s day to all !