To Die before you Die

Death is stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to “ die before you die”- and find that there is no death. -Eckhart Tolle What I have become, I don’t want to know anymore! I have been fed to all that I am not and I only came to […]

To Die before you Die

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The Arrow of Entropy

Arrow of time
Pushing us forward to chaos
Our order is melting
With increasing disorder

Aging is difficult
With fears capturing our mind
A man becomes pessimist
With the ticking of clock

This is the law of nature
Law of science
Every system is bound
To collapse or Die

But we have the power
To delay this demon
With firing our love
And Cleansing with compassion

©2020 Piyush Singh

Sail through

Sail through
With the faith
Your pursue

Religions are modes Of transport and all roads lead to one ultimate goodness.

Respect other vehicles on the road because we all have to reach smoothly and safely to the same destination.

Also respect pedestrians who are atheists as they too are walking on the same path towards the same Ultimate destination.

Lord Shiva and his Dark Energy and Matter

Lord Shiva is not only a deity of Hindus but also the symbol of dark energy and matter. More than 90 percent of our universe comprises Dark matter and energy.

Both dark energy and matter do not come in contact with normal matter and that’s why we can’t perceive it. But it has a force which is helping in the expansion of our Universe. All matter perceivable to us comes from this unknown source.

It is or He is both the creator and the destroyer in our universe . Here’s a poem dedicated to Lord Shiva on the occasion of Shivratri

In the beginning
Life sparked from his singularity
And There began circle of mortality
From Life to death
And death to life
The Circle continue
With his cosmic dance
He is the beginning
He is the end
His light is beyond
Everyone to understand.
His symphony is creation
His song is destruction
His glory will continue
Eternally for everyone.

(Image credit-Twitter)

©2020 Piyush Singh

Spiritual World

Through the mist of time

You search for the meaning of life

But what you seek is

Just a physical dime

Your happiness lies beyond

The material world

Your Felicity flow from

The Spiritual world

The world where the nature

Plays with the jubilant souls

The world where

There is respect for the whole

The world where

The nature is secure.

The world where

In the shelter of nature

You find your goal.

©2020 Piyush Singh

Building Life

Accepting Life
Embracing materialism
Spirit builds life
Brick by Brick.

Acquiring skills
Learning the art
Soul weaves life
Brick by brick.

Shaping the world
Guiding the light
Building the world
Brick by brick.

Awaiting the end
Contented with glory
Spirit leaves body
Brick by brick.

©2020 Piyush Singh

Divine Connection

The moons revolve around planets, the planets revolve around the sun, the sun revolves around the massive black hole in the centre of our galaxy and our galaxy revolves around other galaxies. Everything in the universe is connected , all depend on each other for their survival and continuosly look for reasons or insipirations from their surroundings to thrive. Maybe that’s how the life suppose to be, the continuous struggle to motivate and inspire yourself to be happy!

If you are breathing, you got to find some goal , otherwise there is no reason of all this. Sometimes it is tough to do that but it is the only way forward. You got to remember one thing in life that it is imperfect. All the negative elements- dejection , frustation, defeats, losses, apathy, sufferings do not last forever. Infact these experiences just increase the taste of happiness when you finally get it. In this way you can say that these negative experience have their own importance in life.

The best way to overcome negative experience in life is by connecting with the people around. Maybe they are the miracle you are looking for just like the sun for our planet. They can share your grief, can give you inspiration, can guide  you towards right direction. You believe it or not just the presence of others in bad times makes you feel comfortable.  Its like a magical charm that has given purpose to our universe, that has harmonized our  system.

The Duality of God


               We understand the phenomenon of light with the help of its duality ( the wave nature and the particle nature). In the same way we can try to understand God with the help of its duality i.e. its materialistic nature and its spiritualistic nature. The materialistic science is the modern science or the observable science which is the base of all technologies in this world. The spiritualistic science is the science of conscience, theology and philosophy .

We are very advance in materialistic science but are we advance in spiritualistic science? The answer is no but our ancestors were advanced in spiritualistic science so can we say that we are  more advanced than our ancestors?

Our ancestors specially in the Vedic era had the power of focus or meditation and they were able to achieve anything impossible with the help of focus. According to noetic science , our thoughts have mass. So if our thoughts have mass then it follows Newton’s law of gravitation according to which , every body in the universe attracts any other body unless and until an external force acts on it. We have heard that our  ancient gurus or sages had a strong power of focus that means the mass of their thoughts must have been greater than ours and so they were able to lift anything or were able to do anything which we call miracle just by strong attracting power of focus.

The meditation also has a healing power which makes the pineal gland of brain to produce a wax like substance which heals or refreshes the old cells and therefore reduces the rate of aging. Maybe the elixir of life or somras according to hindu mythology is the power of meditation only.

With time our focusing power deteriorated and now with so many distractions in this technological world we hardly able to focus on anything and so our spiritual knowledge or power has lost. We totally are dependent on materialistic science and always try to find answers with the help of it but we don’t know that the truth can be found by uniting both spiritualistic and materialistic science. Maybe something which can’t  be explained by materialistic science can be explained by spiritual science but we don’t know because we are not advance in spiritualistic science. The limit of materialistic science is the place where the realm of spiritual science begin and we have yet not reached that place in materialistic science.

Faith is very important ,it checks corruption , it inspires us to be good and it inspires us to believe in something which we can’t see or prove. Therefore we should try to regain that lost wisdom of our forefathers and unite it with our knowledge of materialistic science to find answers about our creator . We will always get inspiration and the recent inspiration which we got is the discovery of God particle (Boson particle) which is a force particle and since every other particle in the universe evolve from this particle , that’s why we call it a creator. This is a big discovery in our quest of finding the truth but until then we should believe in God and follow the path  of Karma showed to us by our ancestors through holy books .